So, here we are again in 2020, updating literary contests and opportunities and urging budding writers to go for the prizes. Now buddy, smile for the camera.
1. Lolwe Calls For Literary And Photography Submissions.
Lolwe is a new online magazine that publishes fiction, poetry, literary criticisms, personal essays and photography. They are looking for work that is bold, different and blurs or pushes boundaries. They want stories of fears and joys, doubts and faiths, curiosities and silences.
1. Submissions are open from February 1 to 29,2020.
2. Word limit – fiction & essays: 1,000- 10,000 words, poetry: 3-5 poems, images/artwork: 5-10 pieces.
3. Work must be word document typed in Times New Roman, pt 12 and double spaced.
4. Send a brief bio with your submission.
Lolwe will offer a modest remuneration to the pieces that are accepted for publication.
Send entries to editor@lolwe.org
2. Accord Literary Calls For Submissions Of Novel Manuscripts For Young Readers.
Accord Literary is a Ghana based project about developing literacy, book accessibility and the use of African indigenous languages in literature. There is a call for submissions of novels written for young readers between 8 and 16 years old on any genre or subject.
Submission must include a bio, synopsis and either the entire work of fiction or the first three chapters.
The manuscript should either be for younger readers aged 8 to 12 with 50,000 word length or for older readers between 12 to 16 with 75,000 word length.
Deadline: March 15, 2020
Send your submissions to team@accordliterary.com
3. The Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize 2020.
The Queen Mary Writing Prize supports new writers with no limits to age, gender, nationality or background.
* The competition is open to anyone who has not published a book-length work of fiction, life writing or poetry. However, if a writer has only self-published a book-length work, they are still eligible for the prize.
* Work submitted must not have been previously published and must remain unpublished at the time of shortlisting.
* Entries close at 5pm BST on Monday, June 1, 2020.
1. No entry may exceed 3,000 words.
2. Work must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced, A4 and submitted as a doc.file (no PDFs).
3. The document must be saved as ‘Category of entry- Title of entry’ e.g ‘Fiction- A girl I know’.
4. Do not include your name or provide any other form of identification on your manuscript or in the document title. All submissions will be considered anonymously.
5. Multiple poems in the same entry (up to three) must be included in the same document but each poem must begin on a new page.
Fee is per category: E10 for a single entry. E16 for a double entry.
Entries are accepted through wasafiri.org once the fee is paid.
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