Here’s bringing young comic writers who are often times unacknowledged to the global scene. Cheers!
1. UNICEF School Superhero Comic Contest.
Persons aged 25 and below from all countries can submit a comic book featuring the superhero of their imagination. Top entries will be selected for a global vote.
- Working with a comic artists to publish the comic for worldwide consumption. The comic will be launched between 8-19 July, 2019 online and at the United Nations High Level political forum.
- The winner will participate in the global launch activations which may require travelling.
- The winning and finalists comics may be showcased on UNICEF social media channels as well as at major global events like ComicCon.
- Include superhero name, their superpower to make schools safe, one of their school-saving adventures ( a sample storyline of 1000 characters max.) and attach a doodle drawing /sketch of what they look like via the online form.
- Concept, storyline and graphics must be entrant’s own.
Deadline is 30 June 2019.
Apply via https://www.unicef.org/end-violence/school-superhero-comic-contest/enter
For difficulties using the form, send directly to engage@unicef.org with subject line as ‘Entry: comic contests’.
2. Short Story Day Africa 2019 Prize.
This year’s theme is on ‘Disruption’. Disruption as in disturbance or interruption of an event, activity or process in the environment – floods, climate change, internal and social maelstroms etc. Stories should be between 3000 and 5000 word length exploring effects and adaptations or innovations for these mental, social and environmental disruptions.
Deadline is 31 October 2019.
1st place – $800
2nd place -$200
3rd place -$100
Read guidelines and required manuscript formats here http://shortstorydayafrica.org/the-ssda-prize to apply.
3. SAND Journal Open Submissions.
SAND print journal is looking for art that catches one by surprise from women writers, people from the LGBTQ community and those from minorities.
Prose – 5000 words.
Poetry – 5 pages.
1. May – 6 July, 2019
2. November 2019 – January, 2020
Submit heresubmit
They also want guest website posts that relate to literature, art and Berlin. If that interests you, contact at info@sandjournal.com.
Thanks Maria Oluwabukola for the heads up.
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