Here are more paid writing opportunities for you this period. Also check the previous post on COVID-19 Lockdown paid opportunities that are still on. Keep washing your hands and stay safe.
1. Getty Images #ShowUs Grant
Getty Images are partnering with Dove and Girlgaze to promote diversions within creative commercial photography and videography to elevate the works and voices of women, female-identifying and non-binary artists.
-Artists must have been shooting for less than 5 years.
-Submission must include a 200-500 word summary of the project proposal and an explanation as to how the project will move the #ShowUs movement forward through commercial photography and imagery.
-A short biography and links to existing portfolio of work online must be included.
-One $10,000 prize awarded.
-The successful recipient will be invited to license their award-winning content through GettyImages.com at a 100% royalty rate for imagery created within their proposed project (please see T&Cs for details).
-Guidance and mentorship from one of Getty Images’ award-winning Art Directors, as well as a feature on the Getty Images Creative Insights website, in addition to promotion on relevant Getty Images social channels.
May 10, 2020.
Apply here
2. Writers Against COVID-19
The Society of Young Nigerian Writers launched the ‘Writers Against COVID-19’ movement and is currently looking for submissions of poems and micro-essays on coronavirus for their first anthology project.
-Submit an essay of not more than 500 words or a poem, not exceeding 30 lines on the theme ‘Coronavirus’.
-The subject of the email should be ‘COVID-19 ANTHOLOGY’.
-Entry should be included in the body of the email and not as an attachment. Include your contact detail, address and a brief bio.
All selected works will be published in an e-anthology and each contributor will receive a copy.
DEADLINE is May 23,2020.
Send entries to writersagainstcovid19movement@gmail.com
3. Kanstellation
For their issue 4, Kanstellation ask for reflections around the theme ‘Community Through Tech’. They want to know what digital families and communities mean to you and how you express and define yourself through the digital roots you’ve found and inherited.
-Send up to 4 poems in one doc.docx. document.
-For flash fiction and non-fiction, send up to 2 flash pieces in one Word document. Minimum length 350 words, maximum: 1,200 words.
-Short fiction, creative non-fiction and essay should have a minimum of 1,200 words and maximum of 1,800 words. Send up to 2 essays in one Word document (doc./docx.)
$30 for each accepted submission.
May 5, 2020.
Submit here
4. AWID Feminist Realities
AWID wants to create an online magazine that documents Feminist Realities. They want submissions from people who are actively living Feminist Realities in how they express themselves, care for themselves and their families in the course of their journeys.
-Submission of prose piece (article, review, interview, artwork, profile piece) must reflect the theme “Feminist Realities’.
-Do include a short summary of the submission.
-For writing, 10c per word.
-For artwork with a minimum of three pages, $50 per page.
May 15, 2020.
Apply here
5. Coffee & Oranges
Coffee & Oranges is a quarterly literary magazine that showcases short work that thrives through an alchemy of sensory detail – setting, plot and theme and yet transcedes and ignites its own craft elements to arrive at the condition of art.
-Send in entries in any genre with a maximum of 325 words.
-Ensure your name and email address appear on the document itself.
-The subject line should read ‘Submission”. In the email itself, please include a short bio/ cover letter.
$5,000 USD for each accepted piece.
Coffee & Oranges reading period is open year-round.
Send entry to writing@kahini.org
6. AfroSF4 Series
AfroSf series is an African sci-fi series looking for well researched, carefully extrapolated and deeply character driven narratives. For its 4th volume, the theme ‘Climate Crisis’ explores climate change, its challenges and impacts on humanity.
-Only African writers, either born of African parents, domiciled in for over 10 years or holding citizenship of an African country are eligible.
-Format must be UK English, double spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt.
-Word count must be a minimum of 1,500 words and maximum of 10,000.
June 30, 2020.
Submit via submittable.
7. Query Letter
Query Letter is a company that creates query letter packages for authors to help them pitch their manuscripts effectively. They want book blurbs about completely made-up, non-existent books that creatively establishes the characters and raises the stake in a way that makes readers want to find out more.
-Submit a back cover blurb of 100 words or fewer.
-Blurb must be original work of the author.
September 15, 2020 US Eastern Time.
$500 for the best blurb.
Click here to apply.
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