A lot of us are excited about the new year and the new opportunities it is bound to bring. In the literary world, here are some of the opportunities to enter for between January and February.
1. The Single Bullet Online Poetry Workshop by Itiola Jones, $200 Scholarship for two promising writers.
Itiola Jones, the winner of the Brittlepaper Award for Poetry 2018 will be teaching a very intensive, highly generative online poetry workshop in which participants will be expected to write a new poem everyday for 30 days.
A scholarship has been set up ahead of the workshop to select two promising writers and alleviate the full cost ($200 USD) of the workshop.
How to apply:
– Applicants must write a one page statement which shows their writing background, education, personal challenges, financial needs and long and short term goals as writers to be accompanied by 3-5 poems of original work.
– Materials (statement & poems) must be submitted in a single PDF to thesingingbullet@gmail.com
Deadline: February 2 ,2019 at 11:59 pm
2. Farafina Calls For Submissions Of Manuscripts Up Till March 31st, 2019
Farafina, the literary imprint of Kachifo Limited which has published books from authors like Ben Okri, Yejide Kilanko, Ngugi Wa Thiong’O and many others, is currently accepting submissions of manuscripts from now till March 31st, 2019.
Visit www.kachifo.com for submission guidelines.
3. Apply For On The Premises Short Story Contest And Win Up To $100
On The Premises Short Story prize is awarded once every quarter to a committed short story writer. This time, the theme is ‘HIDDEN’. The character or event hidden might be later unveiled but should be hidden at first from at least one major character in the story.
Submission Guidelines:
– Stories must be within 1000-5000 words and must reflect the theme ‘hidden’ without children’s fiction, exploitative sex or over the top horror.
– Every identifying information must be removed from submission and file name. The story should contain only the title.
– Write a brief bio in the space provided for the cover letter.
– Only one entry per writer is allowed.
– Application closes February 28,2019 at 11:59 pm Eastern US time.
1st Prize – $25
2nd Prize – $15
3rd Prize – $10
Submit your entry via on the premises submission page
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Thank you very much for the info. Very helpful
Glad you found it so, Seun. Keep checking the site for more updates.