…Ain’t I ‘Goodluck”?



(This was earlier posted on Mar. 29, 2011 but still relevant to the present situation of the nation.)


Dear GEJ,

Apparently, you have been very busy lately; all these campaigns, night out with Dbanj, intriguing adverts,etc,many more I yet know. Days past, there had been down pours of political rains and I'm yet to find the 'umblerra' to hide under… That interesting advert of yours, 'I AM GOODLUCK' caught my eye, so I gave it a thought.

I'd remembered my tattered school bags,patched uniforms,etc and this was decades after your experience. It surely gave a feeling of being you.

But Sir, how can i be Goodluck who wouldn't attend the youths debate as they ask #whataboutus? If i were you,this blackout of about a week now wouldn't be my portion #lightupnaija. I certainly enjoy the 'Dame House of Umblerra'…such a wife! The wonderful tale of how events fit in like puzzle tiles (impeachment here;death there) soothes many. Makes sense to want to be Goodluck;be part of the national cake sharing. If males are Goodluck, females should be Dame..that isnt 'lame' right? #justsaying.

Come to think of it,why write a letter to myself; aint I Goodluck?


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