Nature’s Love.
The Tree said to the Sea;
you are one of a kind
you shower so much care on mankind
you provide splendid seafood from your
fishes, crabs, lobsters & jelly!
The Sea smiled gently and said;
you see, my dear Tree,
what can man do without thee?
you gulp down carbon dioxide
and bless them with oxygen
so that they may have life,
and have it more abundantly!
The Sun was up in the sky,
listening to the conversation
he dashed a shiny smile
as he chose to reply—
‘We all love mankind, but mankind doesn’t know:
without me, life on Earth will never grow
my colleague, the cloud, sends them Rain
so that their toils in the field, won’t be in vain.
See now how we are here just because of them.
Flower Vase.
Flowers are the best friends you can ever have;
they sit still in your home—
the balcony,
the corridor…
by the window,
or the living room where I keep mine
Quiet as the evening breeze
Calming like deep kisses.
Whenever my spirit is low
I always find myself by the window
Speaking to the only friend I know.
never in a haste.
Always calm, ready to listen to sobs
Willing to keep your company for as long
as you want.
My leafy friend,
Always craving to lend a helping hand.
When it sees the fountain flow from my eye,
It gives out its petals for every tear
And for each moment I cease speaking
It sheds it leaves… a way of saying, “I – am – here!”
A puppy will run out of sight, when you call
A cat will go far from home
A kitten will hardly listen to your voice
A bunny will never heed to your instructions
Together, they’ll connive to make home a mess.
But a flower vase is ever responding
Ever gentle
Ever listening
Ever comforting
They are friends
They don’t pester like pets.
for Taiwo
One day,
i walked into the garden
in search of a flower
A flower with a special kind of power
& a special kind of smell
that could make men well:
i saw blooming Blessing,
but Blessing was not so impressing
I picked up rosy Rose,
but the smell of Rose
only made me doze
But when i picked up Taiwo & smelt,
her fragrance alone made me melt
i liked what i felt!

Alobu Emmanuel alias Noble Alobu, is 1/4 of the Noble Poets, who believes nature holds a great deal of magic. His pieces & poems are featured in “agape review”, “red penguin collections”, “your quote.in”, “echoes of fantasy anthology”, among others. He is the social media manager of THE WRITERS’ PEN, NIGERIA (TWPN). Being an ardent lover of nature, Noble enjoys spending his leisure time in the garden, where he once worked as a horticulturist. When he is not writing or observing nature, he reads novels on adventures or listens to didactic/nostalgic music. You can reach him on Twitter, @noble_alobu_
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