The 2018 Writivism Festival, a celebration of African Arts and Literature
In an overcrowded class
I found a friend who smiles, always
Her smile, enough to lighten my day
A shield from the draining sun
Of skinny children with empty bowls
Of moguls dressed in gilded attires
Of ancestors long gone
When you came to seek my commitment
You came wearing no sterns but smiles.
You knelt to our customs, and laid a-front my parents.
You promised me heaven, on earth,
It must have caused
God a whole lot
to form me –
a steady hand
I love lingering
Lingering inside a bus
Hugging the fine facade of faces,
The driver’s face especially.
Orange clouds merge with the sun-filled spaces amidst leaf shadows on the wall
And our whole world becomes one gooey ember
Everywhere you look, the light is falling and even