Hey writer, MARCH on to national publication and more for really, good things come to those who wait.
1. The NLNG Prize For Literature
The prize promises $10,000 to the winner and accepts submissions in poetry, prose fiction, drama and children’s literature.
* 12 copies of the entry and a photocopy of the Nigerian passport may be submitted to the Nigeria LNG Limited External Relations Division.
* Entry and an application form must be submitted online on the NLNG website. Completed forms must be printed and submitted along with the entries.
* Book must not be published before January 2016.
* Only published work will be accepted. Complete contact information should accompany each submission.
Send entries to:
The Nigeria Prize for Literature,
External Relations Division,
Nigeria LNG Limited,
Corporate Head Officer
NLNG Road, Amadi Creek,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
The Nigeria Prize for Literature,
External Relations Division,
Nigerian LNG Limited
4th Floor, Heron House,
10 Dean Farrar Street,
London, SW1 H ODX.
2. Quramo Writer’s Prize
Quramo publishing imprints calls for fiction manuscripts with a minimum word count of 30,000 words.
* All stories must be original work of the author and previously unpublished.
* Submit as MS word document, double spaced, Times New Roman 11, normal margins and left justified.
* Submit the first three chapters. Entries should contain a synopsis of the manuscript.
* All submissions should include author’s full name, email address, phone number and author’s bio (50 words).
Cash prize and possibility of a publishing contract with Quramo Publishing Ltd.
April 20, 2020 at 11:59pm.
Upload entries on www.quramo.com
3. Toyin Falola Prize 2020
The Toyin Falola Prize is named after and presented in honour of Toyin Falola, Nigerian historian and distinguished professor of African Studies who has published over 100 books.
* The short story must be creatively inclined towards the history of an African place, people, time or event.
* Writer must not be below the age of 15 nor above 35 at the time of submission.
* Submissions must be within 1,500 – 6,000 words.
* Entrants must be African, either born in Africa or have either of the two parents as African.
* Submissions should be attached as a doc.file titled: SUBMISSION FOR THE TOYIN FALOLA PRIZE and formatted in 1.5 line spacing, Book Antiqua theme font size 12.
Winner gets $1,000 and a fully funded travel trip to attend the BIGSAS Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literature in Bayreuth, Germany.
May 31, 2020
Send submissions to prize@lunaris.com.ng
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