Lolitas Store
It’s usually argued:
the Old World descends, say, from Jerusalem, from Athens;
misogynist really, since the dawn of time,
i.e. droit du seigneur, or burning of adulteresses.
In Ancient Greece,
the nobles had a predilection for their ephebos
(from behind… is that love too?),
with the females relegated to a secondary circle;
in the sacred scriptures they’re referred to as vipers,
synonym of perdition
(word of God).
Taking it to an extreme and familiar case,
we find misogynists like Voltaire, like Frederick the Great,
proponents of enlightened absolutism.
Ehh…I’m not sure,
in the same boat as well, perhaps, Mallarmé
(“Perdition was my Beatrice”).
In that way even Marx, even Engels:
women stopped then from being marked territory.
Are you not going directly home today, sir?
Well… You can always hire someone.
Dead Bullfighter in Front of a Mirror
The roses don’t work,
I’m dead I’m ashamed,
in my left side, too red, the blood doesn’t work,
no tears, the infinite awaits:
you, surrounded by bulls,
you had just recently been unaware of it:
the patient gods yearn to submerge themselves in our fears.
ts hidalgo holds a BBA (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), a MBA (IE Business School), a MA in Creative Writing (Hotel Kafka) and a Certificate in Management and the Arts (New York University). His work has been published in magazines in thirty six countries. He has currently developed his career in finance and stock-market.
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