When you came to seek my commitment
You came wearing no sterns but smiles.
You knelt to our customs, and laid a-front my parents.
You promised me heaven, on earth,
With the moon and stars hovering around.
You promised me peace, love, and care
You promised me beauty, in the very air we will inhale.
But no! You changed.
The words you hurled at me last night still hurt, a lot
You called me a fool, said I was worth not more than a tool,
That I was a good for nothing, nincompoop,
While, you hit me with your caring iron fist.
Then late into the night
When honey you become,
I am now your nectar,
I am now your daffodils.
But when morning time comes, you throw money at me,
Giving me orders without any ounce of dignity.
And I watch, helplessly, as my worth leaves in prints of shame.
And when my son looks at me, on him I see same.
Still, when you come back and find a fault in me,
You bring out whatever it is your hands could see;
You belt me, pelt me, hit me,
You hurt me.
And after all of these,
Battered and bruised, I still make your dinner.
You follow each morsel with a stern that breaks my breath
While I am held in the middle of prayers and hopes
That God makes you like my food.
And even after all of these,
You crawl right next to my bed
And rise over me
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