Precognition by Uzuazo Onwah


by Uzuazo Onwah (@OUzuazo)

If only I could tell
The future very well;
Where these footsteps will lead,
What’s the fruit of this seed;
If I could understand
The complicated strand;
Beyond where the road bends,
Where the journey will end;
If only I could see
Beyond infinity;
What clothes this universe;
What follows the last verse

If only I could know
If there’s a tomorrow;
Or everyday’s the same,
With just a different name.
The stairs I do not see
Rest on those beneath me;
The next race I must run
Depends upon this one.
Tomorrow’s yesterday
Is already today;
My present fantasies
My future memories.
If I will know the fruit
Then the seed must take root;
And I will take the bend
If I must reach the end.

Creative works (literature, art and culture) emerging from Nigeria.

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