I. Sunlight
The drowsy dew yet to be delivered to sleep
Reflects the brilliance of it blue-y companion
Upon sweaty greens,
The wind whistles through quarrelling stalks
Silence serene soundly shattered
By soulful choruses;
Three winged beings, of vague origins
Recline on a startled stalk
Chirping irrelevancies in some long forgotten tongue
Under my windowsill,
Right under my windowsill,
And yours truly
Gives pulse to paper.
II. Sundown
The moon has chased the sun across
The western horizon,
He has spilled his painting pallette across
The evening sky in his haste
Golden hue splashed over blue background
The moon has carved a halo
For herself
Sitting upon a throne of travelling clouds
The stars twinkle in eternal shame
Swearing fealty to the nightly concubine
From my windowsill,
And this paltry hands
Makes martyrdom of memory
III. Sunup-down
The scandal of the shadow
Is reflected in the frustration of waking,
The immortal returns to it earthbound configuration,
The struggles of sunlight with shadow
Reminds of the rivalry between soul and sin
The certainty of death over life,
The surety of eternal sleep
What is death? is the third side of a coin
What is life? is the fulcrum between existence
And not.

Idem, Emmanuel is a poem addict unable to resist reading any poem he finds. He enjoys playing chess in the day and taking long solitude walks in the evening. He writes from Calabar, Nigeria.
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